Christmas Day - Lunchtime

Hare in Winter ~ Deirdre Mackay
Christmas Day ~ Lunchtime
The Rook said: Its very quiet today
as the Partridge rurred its way
over the hedge, leisurely.
Pheasants, left over from the shoot,
took time to survey their surroundings
and the Swan swept on.
I think, said another Rook,
this is the day they all stay away.
Its quiet in the wood, the Badger's out,
the Fox is unharried
and the Hares are square dancing.
(Its the day the Mother remembered the Christ Child
as she cooked lunch
and they all stayed away.)
I know, said the Rook, today is the day
they all remember the Light that we acknowledge every day.
Today, then, we can say
Goodwill to all the race of Man.
Silk Road Hares - Jan Wheeler