Tuesday, 16 January 2007

This Brave New World Part 2

My laptop crashed last Wednesday. It took until Friday afternoon to discover, with IBM's telephone help, that not only has it crashed, my whole operating system has been wiped. Clean.

Now I am sat in the local library. My wheelchair won't fit under the desk, so I am miles away from the keyboard, so this is short and unsophisticated.

I created a post - ' Brave New World' about the Ashley X news. FSJL commented, which my email account tells me has been posted onto the post. (?) Now I cannot find the post under that title or the comment.

In case some of you have read my BNW (part 1) I note that the New Scientist has commented along the same lines as I did - that Ashley should have independent informed professional legal advocacy throughout her life, for whatever HER needs are.

I hope the Goldfish is well and happy and moved safely - I look forward to catching up with everyone's blog as soon as.

Back to my CRASH:

It was a little odd. While I was online, BT Yahoo prompted me to download a Virus Doctor, which I did, first checking it was genuine and it seemed to be. Half an hour later Norton (supplied in the BT Yahoo package) told me it was not helpful (not the same as not safe) and asked me to uninstall it which I did. All seemed fine. I continued doing what I do best (talking via the keyboard) and switched off. Hours later, could not get back into my laptop. At all.
Hours, days, later I found someone at IBM who could explain - apparently something got in somewhere and wiped the operating system beyond the factory settings, so I could not even get into safe mode on the desk top to restore to a previous date prior to the crash.

As I am still waiting for IBM to replace the hard drive under warranty, there is no point doing anything more until they do that. Then I can reinstall all the stuff that was factory installed, and install the operating system, and restore to my last back up. I have asked IBM to hold on the hard drive until IBM have supplied a wireless cardbus adaptor, so that can be installed at the same time to check that it does not cause any vibration - which is where I started months ago.
IBM sent me a second hand 90 day warrantied wireless adapter, but charged me for a new one which has a year warranty, so that is subject to a formal complaint with Office of Fair Trading advice.

and on and on and on ...

and its still raining.


Blogger spotted elephant said...

Sally-all of that is bizarre! :( The computer crashing, and the post disappearing...I hope that you get back to happy computer land soon.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007 at 00:25:00 GMT  
Blogger BloggingMone said...

God's sake, that's a nightmare! I was about to comment on your Brave New World post, whe I found that it wasn't there any longer. Maybe that is what happens in a brave new world...
Hope your computer problems will be solved soon.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007 at 14:48:00 GMT  
Blogger BloggingMone said...

God's sake, that's a nightmare! I was about to comment on your Brave New World post, whe I found that it wasn't there any longer. Maybe that is what happens in a brave new world...
Hope your computer problems will be solved soon.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007 at 14:49:00 GMT  
Blogger FSJL said...

You have my sympathy, my dear lady. These annoyances can be far beyond stressful.

Friday, 19 January 2007 at 03:25:00 GMT  
Blogger FSJL said...

On Ashley: I agree with you entirely.

Sunday, 21 January 2007 at 02:30:00 GMT  
Blogger Sally said...

Thanks All
Still via the library computer (thank goodness for that community facility - and its free).
Still working on the IBM complaint.
The Ashley X post is there under 'Draft' so I will post it now. I don't think the page is past its use by date.

Tuesday, 23 January 2007 at 14:11:00 GMT  
Blogger FSJL said...

I hope you get your computer back soon. This kind of connection is important.

Thursday, 25 January 2007 at 01:20:00 GMT  
Blogger BloggingMone said...

Hi Sally, I am just here to ask if your computer problem has been solved? Hope you're OK!

Wednesday, 31 January 2007 at 14:02:00 GMT  
Blogger Sally said...

Thanks friends for your support.
Its a fabulous feeling, getting support from real friends far away.

Tuesday, 13 February 2007 at 20:59:00 GMT  

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